
Every new account gets a free basic monthly subscription. One free account is permitted per application or website.

The non-free contracts are available in the online shop. Create an account and sign in to get there.

Web service requests are limited by time. The limits are defined by your contract:

    Subscription per month   One-time credits
Package name free 20k 100k 1m 10m 20k 100k 1m 10m
Amount of credits 10'000 20'000 100'000 1'000'000 10'000'000 20'000 100'000 1'000'000 10'000'000
Max. credits per minute 30 60 300 3'000 10'000 5'000 5'000 5'000 10'000
Max. credits per hour 300 600 3'000 30'000 300'000 20'000 100'000 100'000 500'000
Max. credits per day 1'000 2'000 10'000 100'000 1'000'000 20'000 100'000 1'000'000 10'000'000
Max. simultaneous requests 1 2 5 10 20 10 10 10 20
Target response time * 500ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms 0ms
Duraton of validity - - - - - 30 days 60 days 90 days 180 days
Price free 10 € 50 € 400 € 3'000 € 15 € 75 € 600 € 4'500 €
Price per request 0 0.0005 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 0.00075 0.00075 0.0006 0.00045

* Target response time

Paid contracts are served with priority, as fast as possible. Free accounts have a minimal response time (computation time), the whole request takes longer because of the network distance.

One-time credits are meant to be used for batch processing, for example to improve the name information in an existing customer database. Subscriptions are meant to be used for ongoing processing, like verifying new customer signups.

The various web services have different prices per request:

Service Category   Service   Credits
Parser parser/personnameparser 4
Genderizer genderizer/persongenderizer 3
Matcher matcher/personmatcher 5
Formatter formatter/personnameformatter 1
Email email/emailnameparser 3
Email email/disposableemailaddressdetector 1
System system/pinger 0
System system/exceptionthrower 0


Only successfully answered requests are charged.

Computation example: A free subscription can make 2500 personnameparser web service requests per month - each costing 4 credits, totaling the 10'000 free monthly credits.