Simple Email Name Parser
An invalid input exception is thrown if the address does not look like an email address.
The email address belongs to a department, such as [email protected].
It is a technical email address for the domain, such as [email protected].
The email address contains a person's initials such as [email protected].
Note that this answer is a guess, the 2 letters could also have another meaning such as a short given name or surname, or something completely different.
The email address contains a person's name such as [email protected].
There is no name in the address, for example [email protected]
The address may be personal or non-personal, can't say (as in UNKNOWN) but it is clear that no name can be found in it.
The email address could not be classified and hence the service failed to extract a name.
0-n ways of extracting a person's name.
The first entry (if any) is the best, they are ordered by likeliness in descending order.